Tuesday, August 6, 2013


The girls from my old neighborhood got together with all our kids and went to the zoo. We also had a BBQ that night, as a goodbye for us before we moved. It was so fun and thank goodness I only live about 20 minutes away from them now. I was pretty upset leaving everyone and I think by the pictures you'll see why. My friend, Jess across the street has a 3 yr old girl Cam who is basically Dax's girlfriend. LOL! Cam was always so good with Dax and of course the CUTEST little girl ever! Arranged marriage?

Jack, Lennon, Kam, Gray, Leah and Dax. Such good little friends!

How cute are they?

Of course, Gray sat in the stroller, ate and took a nap. Good kid! I felt kinda bad, but he was happy and content.

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